You're finally here! It is time for your new born session. I know it might feel overwhelming doing anything at the moment, let alone showering and putting on clean clothes! But don't worry I have you covered.

What to wear

There is no exact science when it comes to what to wear. Light colours in the home work well, often earthy tones that compliment each other but you can definitely opt for denim or colour tones that work together. And it is a home session so please don't feel like you have to dress up for it, if you feel most comfortable in a loose dress, a nightgown or something super simple and comfortable, go for it.

Prepare your home a little bit

We will generally shoot in 2 or 3 areas of your home, depending on where the natural light is best. Often in the living room and your main bedroom. It is great if you can tidy these areas and get rid of any clutter. Clear bed side tables etc. Bed spreads, coushins, plants and extra styling bits are also a great way to add a visual element to your session. Don’t shy away from colours or patterns. 

Let me know where you're at with sleep and feed times

I will have a chat to you as soon as I arrive as to where they’re at with both feeding and sleeping. Your session will most likely have a little bit of feeding and sleeping at some point. The only aim is to make sure bub is happy. So if they’re in need one of of those things when i arrive, we will focus on that.

If they’re asleep when I arrive then we will do some beautoful sleeping shots to begin with. If they’re awake when I arrive, we start the session with awake shots and most likely end with you putting them to sleep.

In regards to feeding, I always love to incoporate some breast feeding photos for those who are, and are keen. If your bub is doing 1 hour feeds, it’s better to have fed them in the hour or 2 bedfore I arrive so the feeding is more of a top up, and wont eat into your hour session too much.

Having said all of the above, every single session is different and i am completely flexible and we will just go with the flow with how the bub is going on the day.

Consider some skin on skin shots

It is such a beautiful time to consider some skin on skin shots with your bub. 

Whether that is in bed while feeding or cuddling, or in the bath or shower. 

Please let me know if you would like to include this in your session.

Don't focus too much on the baby being perfect

New born babies are unpredictable not only day to day but minute to minute! They will likely spend some of the session asleep, awake a little bit, probably need a nappy change, probably cry for some of it and likely have an explosive poo just in time for your session :). But don't stress! We will work through it all. I will be there to guide you and we will be discussing through out the session where your Bub is at and what their needs are.

Look forward to seeing you all soon x